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Cordgrasses - Invasive Species Information
What Are Cordgrasses - (Spartina) all species & hybrids?
Habitat: Terrestrial. Prefers wet areas / marsh land
Distribution in Ireland: Widely distributed
Status: Established
Family name: Poaceae
Reproduction: The species reproduce by shedding large amounts of pollen that fertilize the flowers of native species, so that the majority of the native plant's off-spring are hybrids
Native to the salt marshes and mudflats of coastal California, it is a perennial grass growing from short rhizomes. Spartina produces single stems or clumps of thick, fleshy stems which grow up to 1.5 meters tall.
Green or purple-tinged long, narrow leaves are flat or rolled inward. The inflorescence is a narrow, dense, spike-like stick of branches appressed together, the unit reaching up to 25 centimeters long. The lower spikelets are sometimes enclosed in the basal sheaths of upper leaves.
Cordgrass Stems
How To Identify Cordgrasses?
Leaves: Narrow light green or purple tinged leaf, flat or rolled inwards.
Flower: tiny feathery pale yellow flowers in 30cm long spikes
Size: Can grow up to 1.5 metres
Cordgrass - Spartina ID Guide
Large Cordgrass Infestation
Why Are Cordgrasses A Problem?
As these species proliferate, they trap sediment with their large root masses, raise the elevation of the intertidal areas and replace natural mud and sand flats, native eelgrass and algae beds, and river channels.
The plants can be distributed by birds, animals, humans, water currents, recreational boats and ships’ ballast water. The results can be serious:
A loss of critical rearing habitat for fish such as juvenile salmon, clams, oysters and crab.
A loss of valuable habitat for migrating shorebirds and waterfowl.
An increase in the risk of flooding.
A loss of water access from shoreline areas and beaches and for
European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 non-native invasive plant species A-Z (Updated 2017)
There are currently 35 invasive plant species listed in the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations (annex 2, Part 1)...
Click on a species from the following list to find out more regarding non-native species subject to restrictions under Regulations 49 and 50.
American Skunk-Cabbage - Lysichiton americanus
Brazilian Giant-Rhubarb - Gunnera manicata
Broad-Leaved Rush - Juncus planifolius
Cape Pondweed - Aponogeton distachyos
Cordgrasses - Spartina (all species and hybrids)
Curly Waterweed - Lagarosiphon major
Dwarf Eel-Grass - Zostera japonica
Fanwort - Cabomba caroliniana
Floating Pennywort - Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
Fringed Water-Lily - Nymphoides peltata
Giant Hogweed - Heracleum mantegazzianum
Giant Knotweed - Fallopia sachalinensis
Giant-Rhubarb - Gunnera tinctoria
Giant Salvinia - Salvinia molesta
Himalayan Balsam - Impatiens glandulifera
Himalayan Knotweed - Persicaria wallichii
Hottentot-Fig - Carpobrotus edulis
Japanese Knotweed - Fallopia japonica
Large-Flowered Waterweed - Egeria densa
Mile-a-Minute Weed - Persicaria perfoliata
New Zealand Pigmyweed - Crassula helmsii
Parrots Feather - Myriophyllum aquaticum
Red Alga - Grateloupia doryphora
Rhododendron - Rhododendron ponticum
Salmonberry - Rubus spectabilis
Sea-Buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides
Spanish Bluebell - Hyacinthoides hispanica
Three-Cornered Leek - Allium triquetrum
Wakame - Undaria pinnatifida
Water Chestnut - Trapa natans
Water Fern - Azolla filiculoides
Water Lettuce - Pistia stratiotes
Water-Primrose - Ludwigia (all species)
Waterweeds - Elodea (all species)
Wireweed - Sargassum muticum